
Started my next book

Title In The Eyes Of A Child

It was a cold winters night, a night she would never forget. Here she is. Oh here’s her things just incase we won't be long. The door gently closes behind,


Spent today in the Northern Sound Studio, in Cavan recording some of my writing along with fellow Fermanagh Authors’ Association members

Dianne Ascroft; Vicky Herbert, Sean McElgunn, in Cavan Town for the afternoon. We were invited to Nothern Sound Radio to record some of our stories for a radio programme that DJ Karina Charles was preparing. Click on the writing above my photo to find out more.


A Great Thank you to The Blue Eyed Soul Dance Company Click here to go to their web page and the back arrow to return to blog

Here I am. Here at home, thinking on the times we had. We danced we leapt we laughed we cried with lots of fun. With many shapes and twist and turns cuts and bruises not forgetting skin burns. We’re left with a love in our hearts that will never die just grow founder each and every day. Nice group hugs were had by many just like one big happy family. We’re now left with a greater knowledge of many things a sense of self yes our inners selves too. Here look!! What I can now do.

Thank you I will never forget this week Love to you all Sally Miriam & Julia

Lv Julie

Where There's Hope There's Healing , one of my published books

Where There's Hope There's Healing , one of my published books
Click on the Book cover